Monday, December 15, 2008

Community of Christians

The kids and I drove by this living Nativity last night at the Community of Christians Church here in town. I had seen a sign for it, and was looking for something different. As we got close it started to rain, but we were able to see the three scene rendition. They showed the wisemen getting the message and traveling to see Jesus. It was so nice and Cece loved it. I think we were one of few cars on that dreary night. We apreciated them staying out in the rain to accomidate us, and then inviting us in for refreshments. After I took pictures of Jacob and Cece on Santa, I tried to arrange Jill for a perfect sleeping baby shot. (It is cute, if not perfect.) When I turned around Jacob had a hot dog, nachos, and a sprite. He sure works fast. And we sure appreciated their hospitality.


Martin said...

Nice picture of Jill with Santa. It is rare to see a live Nativity scene except in Christmas plays.

Ashley said...

That is the PERFECT picture of Jill. Couldn't be any better! Wow, live Nativity. Way to go Ocean Springs!